A name should be prepared to welcome the baby boy and I asked dr. Lie Tjung Jie to help for a name. He gave “Shan Zhe” which means the person who is kind and wise. But one name is never enough, it was then a week before the labor time Cane came up with “Maxwell” for his passion on Physics. Why Maxwell? Maxwell is considered by many physicists to be the nineteenth century scientist with the greatest influence on twentieth century physics. Einstein himself described Maxwell's work as the "most profound and the most fruitful that physics has experienced since the time of Newton." (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Clerk_Maxwell). So, the baby name is Maxwell Shanzhe Pardede.
I am very grateful that I did not severe from edema (swelling due to accumulation of fluids in the tissues) of the ankles and feet during my pregnancy. I know a friend who suffered from this edema that was once considered a potential danger sign in pregnancy. To ease it, she was suggested to avoid extended periods of standing and elevates her legs when she was sitting. I always elevate my legs whenever I sit down as a habit and fortunately this habit gives benefit during pregnancy period.
Nowadays many of my friends prefer bottle feeding than breastfeeding but since I was educated the importance of breastfeeding, I prefer it more than the other. Breast is the best since it tailored to the needs of human infants, the proportion of protein in mother’s milk is lower than in cow’s milk that making it more digestible. The milk itself served up directly from my breast isn’t improperly prepared, contaminated, or spoiled. I also read that breastfeeding is a brain booster and it keeps allergies on hold as well as an infection preventer. Many advantageous I learned and later on I felt the benefits as well.
I was well prepared for labor on my own but it was a week overdue (41st week). It was Monday at 02.30 when I got the Braxton Hicks contractions and we waited until 08.00 before we decided to go to the hospital. Actually I would have delivered at Siloam Kebon Jeruk but since due to the heavy traffic every Monday morning, we decided to go to Siloam Karawaci (just five minutes from home). The doctor showed that the aging placenta almost fail to supply adequate nutrition and oxygen so he suggested me to have cesarean section. Nevertheless, I would prefer induction of labor which started at 08.30. It was a long painful moment for me, I got dilation of cervix to 8 centimeters from 20.00 till 22.00 and no increment until then I gave up and asked for cesarean section. Maxwell was delivered at 22.45 in healthy condition. Being older than other babies, Maxwell had longer nails and opened-eyed and alert.
It was truly a great happiness for both of us to have Maxwell in our life…
Visit http://www.binus.ac.id
I am very grateful that I did not severe from edema (swelling due to accumulation of fluids in the tissues) of the ankles and feet during my pregnancy. I know a friend who suffered from this edema that was once considered a potential danger sign in pregnancy. To ease it, she was suggested to avoid extended periods of standing and elevates her legs when she was sitting. I always elevate my legs whenever I sit down as a habit and fortunately this habit gives benefit during pregnancy period.
Nowadays many of my friends prefer bottle feeding than breastfeeding but since I was educated the importance of breastfeeding, I prefer it more than the other. Breast is the best since it tailored to the needs of human infants, the proportion of protein in mother’s milk is lower than in cow’s milk that making it more digestible. The milk itself served up directly from my breast isn’t improperly prepared, contaminated, or spoiled. I also read that breastfeeding is a brain booster and it keeps allergies on hold as well as an infection preventer. Many advantageous I learned and later on I felt the benefits as well.
I was well prepared for labor on my own but it was a week overdue (41st week). It was Monday at 02.30 when I got the Braxton Hicks contractions and we waited until 08.00 before we decided to go to the hospital. Actually I would have delivered at Siloam Kebon Jeruk but since due to the heavy traffic every Monday morning, we decided to go to Siloam Karawaci (just five minutes from home). The doctor showed that the aging placenta almost fail to supply adequate nutrition and oxygen so he suggested me to have cesarean section. Nevertheless, I would prefer induction of labor which started at 08.30. It was a long painful moment for me, I got dilation of cervix to 8 centimeters from 20.00 till 22.00 and no increment until then I gave up and asked for cesarean section. Maxwell was delivered at 22.45 in healthy condition. Being older than other babies, Maxwell had longer nails and opened-eyed and alert.
It was truly a great happiness for both of us to have Maxwell in our life…
Visit http://www.binus.ac.id
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